Friday, March 16, 2012

RC #13

What is the relationship between low self esteem and eating disorders? : Self esteem has recently been defined by silver stone as " the sense of contentment and self acceptance that stems from a person's appraisal of their own worth, significance , attractiveness, competence and ability To satisfy themselves. It is how they respect and love themselves , and be proud of their accomplishments. When kids are teens that is when they are trying to figure out who they are and how they will become who they want to be and why they want to be that person. (Wilfiams 1993) said that low self esteem has a lot to do with eating disorders. When people have low self esteem they are always constantly in bad moods and not loving life not living the way they should be. Researchers in the early 90s did a questionnaire trying to figure out if low self esteem and sting disorders had a connection and to their standards it did. The kids that has eating disorders were the ones not feeling good about rmselves and having a lot of time where they felt depressed. Without a strong positive sense of identity young girls will fall into the traits of I'm not good enough to be the person I want to be because others don't except me. When little girls grow up and don't feel excepted by others around them they think That it is because they aren't perfect that they aren't skinny enough and they aren't good enough to be around the people that they want to be around. So therefore they fall into I won't eat or eating a lot will get me fat and fat people don't have friends things like that. When girls are growing up they think they have to be something their not to fit in when the truth is every young girl is trying to fit in and their all doing the same thing but others do it better and the ones that think their doing it better tend to be harmful towards others feelings creating little monsters filled with low self esteem and not being proud of who they are becoming. They will start starving themselves and doing things to there Boyd because they don't feel like they have what it takes to be the popular person in school. Girls start dieting exercising excessively and doing so much that they start puking or things that get their weight down. Which is sad because when your young everyone is trying to fit in but those girls that's have such high confidence have the traits to go so far that they end up hurting the people that don't have such hi confidence. And it ruins lives of young girls causing them to hurt their bodies and try to fit in and make themselves feel more attractive to others around them. If they feel more attractive then they will be liked is what they think but in order to feel attractive they need to actually feel attractive without damaging their bodies. That is pretty much the problem within young girls is trying to be someone their not in order to hangout with specific kinds of crowds. Especially when going through puberty is the worst part of adolescence . Your body is changing and different things are happening to it that you feel a sense of I'm turning into a fat person and I look disgusting but the truth is their growing into beautiful young women. There's a difference in eating right to be healthy and not eating anything to be skinny. Guys go through puberty and go muscles and become stronger and more successful with their bodies, but young girls go through so many changes it scares them. Stress is a lot when it comes to growing girls. Fights with their friends, figuring out what to wear, how to dress to impress, how to be smart in class so you don't look dumb all this has a big effect on young girls it damanages their brain but it is also important to go through it because it can make you stronger and feel more confidence when you deal with the problems again. Information about self esteem : All people have a mental picture of themselves , their strengths, and weaknesses . ( self concept/self image) The idea that self esteem and self image are related to how people behave in in society, preform at school, react to peer pressure, and interact with others has received a great deal of attention from psychologists and child development experts beginning in the 1980s.

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